Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Why is STRENGTH MAXIM the BLOG to WATCH? Because what WE seek to do for you here is to STRENGTHEN you in many ways. Most importantly, WE want you to just open up to all of the possibilities regardless of any thinking to the contrary that says that there are not a trillion and one ways to ENJOY your LIFE.

Since many people tend to think that they are living in the "REAL" world, WE thought this might be a good place to put forth the question to you . . .
"What is the REAL world?"

Does the REAL world start from the inside of your being, work itself to the outside of your being, and then manifest itself to you so that you have the option to CHANGE what you are SEEing?

Or do you have no control whatsoever about what is happening in the "REAL" world spinning all around you?

You've heard that saying, "STOP the world, I am getting off!"

How about this saying, "STOP the world, I am getting ON!"

Which type person are YOU?

You've heard this before, but, have you really thought about it? . . .




It doesn't matter which type person YOU are, because you are WELCOME here. If you like to "WATCH" and "WONDER" ~ you are definitely in the right place!

If you are the type of person that is always "WATCHING" and "WONDERING", it is about time you start doing a NEW THING!

Here's another BLOGSPOT that just might stimulate you a bit . . .

"What René Has to SAY . . ."

MUSIC and ART always have a way of stimulating the senses,
so here is another Website to check out. . .

Artistic Minds®

If you are the type of person that is always "MAKING" things happen, then WE definitely want to HEAR about it! Share your POWERFUL quests with us!

If you are here for a little assistance or an injection of excitement in your life, how about making a decision to MAKE some positive TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGES in your life.

How about feeling good right now. How about deciding to maintain that "good feeling".

How about TODAY deciding to do something DIFFERENT, so that TOMORROW becomes the TODAY that you have decided WILL BE because "YOUR WILL" over~rides anything to the contrary.

Make no mistake about it . . . If LIFE is going to be BETTER for YOU, it will be BETTER for YOU because YOU make a decision NOW to crank up the engine and ROLL!

Hang with US, we'll show you HOW the STRONG ROAM!

"The BLOG to WATCH."
© 2008 ~ 2012

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